Monday, July 27, 2009

back to india

back in india and for some reason images are not getting uploaded.... been trying
had a lovely time in new jersey with freinds zoher nilu and their 2 kids alwa and zain... drove to philadelphia to pick up parag nd then the next day we were at a par where there was a midsummer night dream festival... face painitng mock fights with knghts nd the play ... plus we went boting....great fun....
next dayto new york south ferry staten idsland ferry pased statue of liberty had cartoon done wll street timesquare and a ovely dinner at a roadstall where there were 50 peopple in line all the time...had to wait half hour to get to the front for chicken nd rice i think mid easter style very nice
then the next day back to mumbai
where there was an exclipse to welcome me back to india, and the biggest high tide of over 16 ft... water coming into our versova compound....
and now chiling and making sense of the entire experience
thank you all for a wonderful trip... it was lovely meeting up with freinds all over

1 comment:

  1. Great pics...good to know you are back safe...take care
