Saturday, September 3, 2011

in wurzberg germany

arrived in wuryberg and heidrun brucker, whom i had met mazbe 20 years ago picks me up.. we recognise each other immediately, and we go to the iniversity where she is head of indology..... go out for mexican lunch and she tells her esearch asst to help me find what i need... am doing research on the documentary of kumbh mela...

gosh, this is driving me mad.... this comp i mean....

so lovelz being in a library full of books... the india collection is amazing and have this young girl below, whose namei have forgotten already, help me...she speaks and teached sanskrit, has been to india 3 times, has loved to come to india after her hippy father talked about india and is doing her phd comparing german companies and how they work in india compared to germany...

heidrun and i go driving in the hills and watch sunset
heidrun outside the hotel where she put me up... she is busy writing a paper on development ofindology in germany

ad int he street

the bus stop
the fort on top of the hill
heidrun and me at the place we have dinner... it is cold

a solar garbage compressor

a picture in front of heidruns collegues cute
a newspaper cutting on their indian language programmeheidruns office... so lovely the view the big desk a research asst a library....
a drive throught eh other side of the mountains...hardly 10 minutes away and its fields and trees
cool clock
the view from the castle we go to have lunch in
heidrun in front of wurzberg below

knights armour in the castle

heidrun in her house............ thousands of books in every roomin mz hotel lobby ... each paiting sazs one of the words...walk the talk
another erotica shop/// handcuffs, etc...weird

go the residence which is a unesco heritage...not supposed to take photos but manage a few.... the hole thing was bombed during the world war 2 but thez reconstruct everything like it was u reallz cant makeout... as heidrun said... u sometimes feel froyen in history


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